Tuesday, April 25, 2006

living in a post-employment world

today is, as they say, the first day of the rest of my life. on thursday, i found out that my contract at the nonprofit where i'd worked part-time since november 2004 was not going to be renewed, and so i wrapped up my projects and left after the weekly noon staff meeting yesterday.

i'm feeling pretty weird about it. as of two weeks from now, the school semester will be over as well, and i'm facing a summer of three days a week nannying (which is so lovely but doesn't really pad the old resume), and nothing else. so i've been trying to come up with ideas to keep myself busy the other two days of the working week.

so far, the viable ones include taking the stained glass-making class that d gave me for my birthday last year, painting the stairwell in our house, hemming some pants, and finally catching up on pleasure-reading. woo hoo. ideas i've ruled out: writing a book. having a baby. finally, once and for all, organizing the basement. that last one is just totally out there.

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