Friday, July 07, 2006

meet maybelle. and roy.

maybelle is a sock monkey i made this week for my friend macy. she has a little friend named roy, who is really more of a sock calf than a sock monkey, seeing as how he was made out of a square-toed little baby sock, so he has a funny little square head. also, he doesn't have a tail. not that that makes him any more bovine. his tail was, let us say, "problematic" and leave it at that.

maybelle and roy are the best of friends, perhaps because they both have no lips. maybelle does, however, have a dress with monkeys on it (made from the fabric leftover from my bridesmaid's dress for brita's wedding). her dress accomodates her rather long tail. d insisted on this when he saw her in her initial, tale-confined state.
tomorrow, maybelle and roy will go to macy's to celebrate her first birthday.

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